Simply Economics, from Mexico

Simply News has released a new show: ”Simply Economics, from Mexico”. This podcast is a daily news show covering articles about economics that are written in Spanish for Mexican audiences. The podcast is fully AI-generated, with a team of AI news agents working together to find stories, translate articles, and produce the show.

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Saturday May 04, 2024

Tesla's plans in Mexico deflate (but don't die) as the company faces setbacks. Plus, the need to recognize and remunerate women's contribution to the economy in Mexico. Stay informed about the challenges Tesla is facing and the importance of gender equality in the economy.Sources: Introduction(00:00:39) Tesla's plans in Mexico deflate (but don't die)(00:02:53) Women's contribution to the economy must be recognized and remunerated: CCME EdoMéx - Heraldo del Estado de México

Friday May 03, 2024

Banxico survey cuts Mexico's economic outlook with lower GDP growth and more inflation. The economic cost of natural disasters has more than doubled since the 1980s, impacting global GDP. Simply Economics provides insights into the implications of these economic adjustments and the rising burden of natural disasters on countries worldwide.Sources: Introduction(00:00:40) Lower GDP Growth and More Inflation: Banxico Survey Cuts Mexico's Economic Outlook(00:03:23) Economic cost of natural disasters more than doubles since 1980s: OECD

Thursday May 02, 2024

Lowering interest rates is not enough for the economy. Simply Economics presents an in-depth analysis of the challenges and opportunities facing Colombia's economy, highlighting the importance of formalization. Plus, the economic impact of rising license fees on transporters in Quintana Roo is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. Gain insights into the necessary steps for sustainable growth and the need for policies that promote economic stability and growth.Sources: Introduction(00:00:37) Lowering interest rates is not enough for the economy(00:02:58) Q. Roo's Carriers Are Affected by License Increase

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Meltio wins the prestigious SME of the Year Award for industrial innovation through 3D printing. Moody's issues a gloomy outlook for Argentina's economy, but the country returns to an important global investment ranking. Stay informed about the groundbreaking innovation in 3D metal printing and the economic challenges facing Argentina. Gain insights into the potential of small and medium-sized enterprises and the implications for the wider Latin American region.Sources: Introduction(00:00:43) Meltio wins SME of the Year Award for industrial innovation through 3D printing(00:02:42) Moody's forecast a gloomy outlook for Argentina, but the country returned to an important global investment ranking

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Zacatecas ranks 17th in economic activity, showcasing effective diversification and long-term strength. The Spanish economy grew by 0.7% in the first quarter, driven by household consumption and investment. Simply Economics covers the success story of Zacatecas and the thriving Spanish economy, providing insights into their strategies and sectors that contribute to growth.Sources: Introduction(00:00:39) Zacatecas ranks 17th in economic activity: ITAEE(00:03:11) The Spanish economy grew by 0.7% in the first quarter, driven by household consumption and investment

Monday Apr 29, 2024

Mexico is set to surpass Russia's GDP for the first time since 2005. Plus, the government formalizes the transfer of the Trust Fund administered by social movements to the Ministry of Economy. Stay informed about Mexico's economic growth and the implications of this milestone. Also, understand the impact of the government's decision on addressing social and urban issues in Argentina.Sources: Introduction(00:00:41) Mexico to surpass Russia's GDP for the first time since 2005(00:03:19) The Government formalized the transfer of the Trust Fund administered by the social movements to the Ministry of Economy

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Explore the extractivist economy of attention and the challenges faced by the Andalusian economy. Delve into the monetization of our attention in the digital age and the implications for our economic system. Gain valuable insights into the economic situation of Andalusia and the opportunities it has in a changing global landscape. Simply Economics provides a comprehensive understanding of the economic landscape and its impact on various regions.Sources: Introduction(00:00:40) The Extractivist Economy of Attention and Multitasking(00:01:12) The low number of large companies weighs down the Andalusian economy

Saturday Apr 27, 2024

Mexican legislator proposes utilizing solid waste for a sustainable economy. Latin American migrants play a crucial role in boosting Spain's economy. Stay informed about innovative approaches to waste management and the positive impact of migrants on economic growth.Sources: Introduction(00:00:41) They propose to take advantage of solid waste to develop a sustainable economy(00:02:23) Latin American Migrants Help Boost Spain's Economy: Key Post-Pandemic Changes

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

Discover the surprising connection between MMA fighter Renato Moicano Carneiro and the Austrian School of Economics. Mexico takes a stand against Asian imports to promote 'nearshoring'. Explore how the ideas of Austrian Economics can improve the economy and how Mexico's tariffs aim to boost the domestic manufacturing sector. Gain insights into the intersection of sports and economics, as well as the implications of Mexico's trade strategy.Sources: Introduction(00:00:38) Moicano and the Austrian School of Economics(00:04:13) Mexico stands up to Asian imports to favor nearshoring

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Candidates urged to take on micro-business policy to boost the pillar of the Mexican economy. MEPs back reform of fiscal rules in Spain. Stay informed about the candidates' plans for supporting micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MIPYMES) and the potential implications for the Mexican economy. Gain insights into Spain's economic challenges and the reform of fiscal rules in the European Union. This coverage provides a comprehensive understanding of the economic landscape in Mexico and Spain, and its impact on the broader economy.Sources: Introduction(00:00:39) Candidates urged to take on micro-business policy to boost the pillar of the Mexican economy(00:04:21) MEPs back reform of fiscal rules

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