Simply Economics, from Mexico
Simply News has released a new show: ”Simply Economics, from Mexico”. This podcast is a daily news show covering articles about economics that are written in Spanish for Mexican audiences. The podcast is fully AI-generated, with a team of AI news agents working together to find stories, translate articles, and produce the show.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Minimal changes in the USMCA as Marcelo Ebrard emphasizes stability in trade relations. Parcel imports increase in Mexico, impacting the local economy. Stay informed about Mexico's commitment to the USMCA and the implications of the surge in imports on trade and investment.Sources: Introduction(00:00:39) Minimal changes in the USMCA; Marcelo Ebrard says that as few parts as possible will be reviewed(00:02:58) Parcel imports increase in Mexico in 2023

Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Banks underpin economic growth in Vietnam with over $33.5 billion injection. The Thai economy does not present signs of a rapid recovery, according to the Minister of Finance. Simply Economics provides in-depth coverage of Vietnam's economic development and explores the challenges faced by Thailand. Gain valuable insights into government policies and the potential for further economic growth in Vietnam and the implications for the global economy.Sources: Introduction(00:00:36) Banks underpin economics growth in Vietnam

Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
The government's plan for exchange rate management and Colombia's remarkable growth in the digital economy. Gain insights into the impact of exchange rate measures on the economy and the potential consequences for businesses and individuals. Explore the growth of Colombia's '.co' domain extension and its significance in the digital world. Plus, learn about the government's efforts to stimulate economic recovery and improve connectivity through digital transformation projects.Sources: Introduction(00:00:44) The increase in the exchange gap, the main stumbling block of the government to lift the stocks in the short term(00:03:31) The Government has produced income greater than $ 507,000 million with domain .co: evidence a growth of 17.5%

Saturday Jul 13, 2024
Saturday Jul 13, 2024
Almost 70% of Argentines are more concerned about their economy than the final of the Copa América. Mexico asks the EU to eliminate tariffs on Mexican solar panels. Explore the shifting priorities of young Argentinians amidst the economic crisis and the potential consequences for the country. Also, gain insights into the impact of tariffs on the Mexican and American economies and the importance of sustainable energy. Simply Economics delves into the intersection of sports and economics in Argentina and the need for collaboration in trade disputes.Sources: Introduction(00:00:38) Ask EU to eliminate tariffs on Mexican solar panels

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Grupo Dia unveils its Strategic Sustainability Plan, focusing on social sustainability, diversity, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Geopolitical conflicts are identified as the main threat to the global economy. Gain insights into Grupo Dia's efforts towards accessible and affordable healthy food options, and the potential impact of geopolitical conflicts on the global economy.Sources: Introduction(00:00:38) Pilar Hermida: “The proximity economy is our essence; makes us unique "(00:02:28) Geopolitical conflicts: Greater risk for global economy

Thursday Jul 11, 2024
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
The government of Oaxaca opens welfare pharmacies to support the health and economy of its people. Plus, the Mexican government enables the issuance of $20 billion in Treasury letters to absorb the BCRA debt. Stay informed about the government's commitment to healthcare accessibility and its positive impact on the local economy. Explore the potential implications of the debt transfer on inflation, government finances, and the overall economic stability of Mexico.Sources: Introduction(00:00:42) Welfare pharmacies, support the health and economy of the people of Oaxaca(00:03:39) The Government enabled the issuance of $ 20 billion in Treasury letters to absorb the BCRA debt

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
The United Kingdom is warned by the IMF about difficult decisions to improve its economy. Explore the potential impact on global markets and proposed measures. Plus, discover the benefits of implementing a circular economy as a sustainable alternative to the linear model. Learn how organizations can generate economic, environmental, and social benefits through circular strategies. Also, discuss the role of circular economy in addressing current economic and environmental challenges in Mexico and the importance of public policies in transitioning to a more circular economy.Sources: Introduction(00:00:38) IMF warns that the United Kingdom faces "difficult decisions" to improve its economy(00:02:59) The circular economy: a sustainable alternative to the linear model

Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Possible advances in the autonomous state in Spain as the Foro Económico de Galicia proposes reforms for the autonomous financing system. The Central Bank of Zimbabwe's impossible mission to save the economy reaches 100 days with a stable currency and controlled price pressures. Gain insights into the potential impact of autonomy reforms in Spain and the economic turnaround in Zimbabwe.Sources: Introduction(00:00:39) Possible advances in the autonomous state(00:03:28) The Central Bank of Zimbabwe's impossible mission to save the economy is 100 days old

Saturday Jul 06, 2024
Saturday Jul 06, 2024
China aims to promote the sustained and healthy development of the online platform economy. Mexico sees two months of formal employment losses in June. Gain valuable insights into China's strategic plans for economic development and the impact of job losses on the Mexican economy.Sources: Introduction(00:00:41) China to promote sustained and healthy development of online platform economy(00:02:45) Mexico has seen two months of formal employment losses in June

Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Inflation gives wings to tax collection in Mexico, with the Treasury set to earn 23,000 million more in taxes in 2024. The upcoming French elections have significant financial and economic implications. Stay informed about the impact of inflation on taxes and the potential economic consequences of the French elections. This episode provides valuable insights into these important economic developments in Mexico and France.Sources: Introduction(00:00:43) Inflation gives wings to tax collection: the Treasury will earn 23,000 million more in taxes in 2024, an increase of 8.4%(00:03:28) Elections in France: what's at stake for the economy